The deliciously crispy WHATCHAMACALLIT Candy Bar has a flavor ... and a name ... that's impossible to forget.
Did You Know?
In 1978, The Hershey Company introduced WHATCHAMACALLIT Bars made of peanut butter crisp coated in a thin layer of chocolate. In 1978, candy chemists modified the formula to include caramel, peanut-flavored crisp and great chocolate taste!
Did You Know?
The WHATCHAMACALLIT Bar name was chosen because it's catchy, unique, memorable and fun. It was selected from a list of nearly 100 possibilities brainstormed by The Hershey Company and it's ad agencies.

Each delicious WHATCHAMACALLIT Bar contains chewy caramel, peanut flavored crunch and rich chocolate candy.
The Hershey Company has made WHATCHAMACALLIT Bars since 1978.
When WHATCHAMACALLIT Bars were introduced in 1978, they were made of peanut butter crisp coated in a thin layer of chocolate. In 1987, the candy was modified to include caramel, peanut-flavored crisp and a chocolatey coating.
No, WHATCHAMACALLIT Candy Bars are not gluten free as they contain malt extract. Always refer to each package for current ingredients and allergen statements to make an informed decision about Hershey products. Explore other gluten free Hershey products.